Is. 30:31- Whether you turn to the right or to the left your ears will hear a voice behind you saying “ this is the way; walk in it.
How important is it that our children hear us when we speak to them? I would tell mine” You had better listen to me because what I say may keep you from danger” For instance they might not see a car coming but I see it and I would say Tanesha wait and she would stop in her tracks. Now Anoucia was another story she was the one I would call and I would grab all at the same time. Why you may ask? Because I know that being headstrong and excitable as she was she may keep going and be in danger. I believe that is how we are with God. I have to ask myself which child am I? Now it is your turn, which child are you?
I believe by being in tune with God through the reading and studying of his Word, we gain a relationship with Him we will hear Him in our spirits, hearts, and minds. He will guide us past the pitfalls and dangers of our life. And as His word says he will then allow all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. See we are all called but in order to follow we have to hear him.