As a nurse, I've witnessed countless times how life can emerge from seemingly impossible situations. This reminds me of God's incredible power described in Romans 4:17."As it is written: 'I have made you a father of many nations.' He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not."In my years of nursing, I've seen patients defy medical odds, recovering from conditions that seemed hopeless.
These experiences echo the faith of Abraham, who believed in God's promise despite his advanced age and his wife's barrenness. Just as God breathed life into Abraham's aging body and Sarah's barren womb, He can breathe new life into our seemingly dead situations. Whether it's a strained relationship, a career setback, or a health crisis, God specializes in bringing life where there is none.
Let us, like Abraham, grow strong in our faith, giving glory to God. We serve a God who can call into existence things that do not exist. In your life today, what seems impossible? Remember, with God, nothing is too hard.
Prayer: Father, we thank you for your word, for it lights our path so we can see your will clearly. We ask that you create a clean heart in us and renew within us a right spirit, Lord, strengthen our faith. Help us trust in Your power to bring life to dead situations and to call into being things that are not. We pray for the sick today, Lord, heal bodies as only you can. As a healthcare worker, help me remain mindful of my assignment to your people Amen.