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Writer's pictureCatherine Pickett

My Morning with God: Psalms 66:19

But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.

Thank God for his Word. The necessity of Prayer is made plan in his Word. Prayer serves several purposes in the lives of God's people. It reduces the stress of everyday life, assists in emotional Health, increases our relationship and love with the father, and it increases our empathy for others. Think about it, if you spend time with a person it builds a stronger relationship. If I spend time learning a craft I become better at it. It only stands to reason if I spend time with God in prayer I learn more of him, I grow in my relationship with him, and since he is the creator and knows all things I will grow in the knowledge of daily living.

I believe that God loves us so much he wants to hear our thoughts from us. Yes, he already knows them, but it is the exercise of interacting with him that grows our relationship with him, expands our knowledge, and grows us up in our Christian walk with him. You know the more time we spend with our families it builds the stronger relationship between us. It is insulting to reach out to others only when you need them. There is a term we used to use " feed them of a long handle spoon", I actually stopped using it because it only serves to feed that haughty and unforgiving spirit in us. What if God did that to us? No, I don't mean run people down who would rather not be bothered with you, it is more of an internal release to help us have a better relationship with others and God.

I actually learn so much in this time in the morning with God. He helps to bring clarity to my thoughts, he will yours too! Prayer time is a required event in the life of the believer that wants to grow in a relationship with God. It is satan's job to try to prevent that so I actually began to schedule it. First thing in the morning I get it in because that is what works for me. You find the method that works better for you and your time of day. I guarantee God will meet you there because he looks forward to it. After all, we are the apple of his eye, Let us Pray!

Ohh my heavenly Father you are so awesome and wonderful to love your children the way you do. You have supplied us with everything we need to be in connection with you. We are so thankful to you for your grace and your mercy. I ask that you help us build on our relationship with you so we can develop into the mirrored image of your Will. Yes, we honor you and want to be who you created us to be. I thank you so much for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I am so humbled to know the depth of your love for me. Father help to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me! May we grow in our relationship with you and with our brothers and sisters in Christ. In Jesus name Amen

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Oct 13, 2022


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