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Writer's pictureCatherine Pickett

My Morning with God: Deuteronomy 6:5-6

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart." (Deuteronomy 6:5-6, ESV)


In these passages of scripture , we encounter one of the most profound commandments that describes the essence of our relationship with God. To love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and might is not merely a directive but an invitation into an all-encompassing relationship. It calls for a devotion that transcends superficiality, urging us to engage our entire being in our love for God and in turn engulf his love for us!

Loving with All Your Heart:

The heart is often seen as the center of our emotions, desires, and will. To love God with all our heart means to align our affections with His. It requires us to evaluate what captivates our hearts. Are we holding onto distractions or sins that steal our love for Him? Today, let’s ask ourselves: What do I truly desire? Am I seeking fulfillment in God above all else?

Loving with All Your Soul:

The soul represents our inner self, the essence of who we are. Loving God with our soul means inviting Him into our innermost thoughts, fears, and aspirations. It’s about being vulnerable and honest before Him. How often do we compartmentalize our lives, keeping God confined to certain areas? This command encourages us to surrender every part of our being to His lordship so the work that needs to be accomplished in us can begin.Then we will see the hand of God in our lives.

Loving with All Your Might:

To love God with all our might is to engage our strength and resources in service to Him. It’s an active love that manifests in our actions, commitments, and choices. Are we using our time, talents, and treasures to glorify God? It’s a call to not just feel love but to express it through our deeds and lifestyle.When others look at our lives what do they see?

The Heart of the Matter:

The second verse, "And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart," emphasizes the importance of internalizing God’s commandments. Loving God isn’t just about knowing the right things; it’s about letting His commands shape our lives and thoughts. When His Word is on our hearts, it transforms how we see the world and interact with others. It is imperative as children of God that we see the world through his eyes. We can only accomplish this through a relationship with him that consumes our lives. Then and only then can we see the true path .


Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You today, Prior to asking for anything I thank you for being the great and wonderful God that you are. I desire to love You with all my heart, soul, and might. Help me to evaluate my affections and priorities. Teach me to surrender my inner self to You and to engage my strength in service to Your kingdom. May Your words dwell richly in my heart, guiding my actions and thoughts. I long to experience the fullness of love that You offer. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

As you go about your day, take moments to reflect on what it means to love God wholeheartedly. Consider practical ways to express this love through your actions, relationships, and commitments. Let His love flow through you, impacting those around you and drawing you closer to Him.

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