To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose undertake heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1.
Have you ever noticed that when you make your bed you feel better? Well maybe it is Just me. I get out of my bed most days and I make it up. When something disrupts this I come home and walk in my room and I feel disorganized and it disrupts my peace.What I find now is order is what gives us permission to be creative. We were created by the creator to be creative! Just the order God created the world and what we see is an order. He had a process. So since he is the pattern lets follow the blueprint . Lets get in order and create. So let's Create our best and most desired life.God already said we where created in his image.
Dear Heavenly Father thank you for imparting you into us and thank you for allowing us to partake in our own rescue! Let this mind be in me that is in Christ Jesus because inorder to become our best we must get out of our own heads and imagine the Life like you wants for us. It is where we will be the happiest .Thank you and we praise you now oh Lord, Amen.
This is so true. When I find my bedroom is in a disarray my whole life feels like it is out of order. When I make my bed I feel like I have so much peace. If I don't make it, I have to make it before I can get in it. LOL. This is such a mindful blog on today.