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Writer's pictureCatherine Pickett

My Morning with God

A I will give you keys of the Kingdom Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you lose on earth will be loosed in Heaven. Matthew 16:19

This is so powerful. We are privy toKingdom principles keys as such. This speaks to the power of God that is given to us through Christ Jesus. Oh My goodness. So in reality of the true believer,whatever we allow in the earthly realm heaven allows, and whatever we refuse to accept on this earth in Jesus name ,heaven will hold our backs!! Guys it is a win win.God has already provided the ins and outs of this World for us we simply must give our will over to Gods will . He wrote the story of our lives anyway who better to have it. Let this mind that is in me be the mind of Jesus.I will strive to think like you want me too. That is it Guys ,say it to God in prayer and watch as things change and turn for us today!!

Father you and your Word are so awesome. It is truly alive for when I meditate on it and study it I feel it in my heart ,soul and mind. I love you with my whole heart and I thank you as you bring me to that designed place you have just for me. Oh God create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Continue you mercies and provisions as I declare your Word over my Life and my family . Lord I declare this for every reader of this devotional today. Let us be transformed by the renewing of our way of thinking to yours.Father we love you and give you praise. We bind the hand of the enemy and we loose your will and way in our lives today. In Jesus name Amen!

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