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Writer's pictureCatherine Pickett

My Morning with God

At daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place. Luke 4:42 NIV

My Journal , My Morning with God came about in a time that I really needed to hear the voice of God. I had so many obstacles coming against me in my Job and in my personal life as well. When I look back I can see it was all Gods plan to elevate me but it felt like torture to my flesh.I knew my only way through was with the power I would receive as I studied the Word of God. It worked I made it through and when it was all said and done God had elevated me in both ares. This is the importance of seeking him at the beginning of the day.

My Father in Heaven I thank you so much for your mercies that are new every morning,I also thank you for giving me the mindset to pray and receive them. You are everything to me. Please help me remain steadfast in studying your Word that at any point I need to regurgitate it to fight the battles of this world I can readily do so. I ask today that you cover my family , my love ones and all your people in your power and grace. In Jesus name amen.

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