1 John 4:18 There is No Fear in love, but perfect love cast out fear because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
One of the reasons that I believe in meeting with God every morning before I start my day and even at the end of my day is that it helps to cast away fear. Many of us use the acronym false evidence appearing real to describe what fear really is. When we look at our universe the times we are living in and all that we are having to endure daily. Without God's guidance love and tender mercies we will become overwhelmed. I do not believe God made us handle a lot of stress. I believe that's why he tells us to cast our fears and our cares actually what the scripture says, to cast our cares upon him for he cares for us. That's why I believe we were never designed to handle a lot of stress. If we believe the Word of God and look back at the beginning of creation when he created everything that was needed for Adam to live and thrive. He even gave him a mate to be with him so he wouldn't be lonely. The only thing that he was supposed to do was obey. So when you look at it like that you realize we were never designed to live in a stressful environment like we are now. The only way we're going to survive it and get out of it and eventually be with him is to be with him now, daily as well in our hearts and our minds, and our spirits. We need to be with God daily to get out of it. If you ever listen to Les Brown he tells us about how dangerous life can be, he says it's so dangerous you can't get out of it alive. He says it jokingly but it's the truth once sin came into the world well yeah, we now die. But I'm more concerned about the dash, that time when we are born to when the Lord comes back at us. We ask ourselves how we can live it to its fullest and be as stress-free as possible. Well, this will come only with him, that's the only way we're gonna be able to do it. So my plea to you today and for myself, because I apply the Word of God to myself first, is that we are not designed to carry this mess . We as a people have made a horrible mess in our world so we need him to help us endure it. To get through it and we need God daily. So that's why my morning with God is so important to me. So I'd like to present this to you as well let's seek him at the beginning of our day and then let's spend some time with him at the end just really to let him know how thankful we are that we made it through yet another day. I believe our lives will just be so much better. I can truly say mine is since I began doing this on a regular and steady basis. We were designed, I believe to be stress-free loving prosperous happy people. The results of what we have here today is our fault, you know we strayed away. It started with our brother Adam and then Eve and we've just from there grown daily farther and farther away. He's such a great God that he's given us the opportunity to return to him. The opportunity he brought through Jesus Christ. Jesus came, lived, and died so that we have a right to return to the father our God ABBA father and we can cast our cares upon him. He will help us and get us through it and we can yet get to our design destiny. So I present this to you today let's make a plan to seek him every day, to set aside some time to be with the father then let's watch the end result. I know it's changed my life completely. You know the Word of God said that he is no respecter of the person what he's done for one he will do for another. That means if he can do it for me he can definitely do it for you too.
Dear heavenly father, we come before you this morning with our hearts so thankful for you making a plan for us even out of all the wrong that has been done. From the beginning of time, you put a plan in place to bring your people back to you. Now that's a God that we can live for and we thank you so much. Father God, we don't take this lightly we honor you we give you the praise and the glory that you deserve. So as we go about our day we ask that you just continue to put your plan in place, put the stops in a place, open the doors, make the way and use your guidance to get us to that expected end. That you have designed for us your people. We ask that you cover our children and our loved ones. We want nothing more than for you to be the leader and the head of our entire family. We are certain that once we do that it can only work out to be in your will which is where we desire to be. We ask that you give us a clean heart and we want you to renew the right spirit within us, that spirit that you refer to in your Word that spirit that is in you. We thank you so much and we cast down the plan of the enemy. He has no power here and he has no strength against you. We apply your Word and your promises to our lives today. We give you all the praise we give you all the honor and we give you all the glory because it is truly yours. You are the awesome God and we look to you for our future to evolve. In Jesus' name, we pray and thank God Amen